Let me take the time out to say that this is want I believe; only my opinion of how I think that the country had gotten off track, did our leaders of the country do it by accident or did they meant for these problems we see today to happen. We all can have a different of opinions on where the country is going but the facts are not our opinion it’s the truth.First allow me say, that I am not trying to be a writer because my move-swings might stop me at any time. All I am trying to do is give some information that was given to me when I was young, which I ignored, but it was given to me. And I believe that information allowed me to see clear once I taking the responsibility back in controlling my life and helped me to see things around the country to understand what direction we might be going in. Which I hope that the thing that I want to do will help the young when they are in a tight situation that they should not be in, in the future. But if the future does not allow things to change, and everything stay the same they will know some things that I experience, and what others experienced that helped me a lot that I am proud for them taking the time to care, and the ones who helped them, and on, and on.See you have to realize that we also have two types of personalities in our system. One is reality and the other is entertainment. The reality one can get thrown off course with so much acting, and to top it off watching the stupid things some do with money that influence the ones without money. Maybe the country seriousness went down to an all time low because most the people we see in the entertainment world live off move-swings that last only for minutes. Some will come out in serious situations to sang or talk, with come and get me outfits. If a state emergency happens they all will show up on a publicity move, more than a concern move. Today we have some of the dummies complainers that most of them came from a textbook, who think they playing a game on the computer, who sang a song, or acting out one of the movies they saw or play in. These people have a lot to talk about when they never being under any pressure. Who might say I do not know what their life been, and I will say what comes out your month tells anybody with a little sense, can see that you are green. See my problem is that I do not have favors because I know it’s not good for the country and will never chose someone that will pull me up when I do not deserve it, because I do not believe in doing favors to get to the top or help to hold someone down to get brownie points to please a jerk! Then they come out into the public trying to make people feel worse, then how they feel about themselves. Again, first let me say, just like it's a big difference between an arrogant business person, then an openminded business person. One is tight fist and the other one is open handed. Which it shows in everything they do. One take chances and the other one wants to see the situation they being put in. One will walk blinded, while the other one acknowledges their situation. One will never give in, while the other one will accept some loses to make gains. One is aggressive and the other is passive. One will make bad decisions and the other one will make good ones. One will be possessed for power and the other one will be just trying to make things work. Time, had allowed me to understand the important part of how the business world plays in all societies. See the big surprise is it will always be the double edge sward because business people make decisions by the move swings of the way wall street go, or the economy that still have something to do with wall street.