Money or life? Humankind has to decide in the 21st century, which will be the object of its devotion. Inequality and injustice are not accidental results of global interest-capitalism, but they are its essential characteristics. In an interest-capitalist regime, based on private monetary monopoly, money is regarded as the measure of all value. The maximization of returns to financial capital has become the interest-capitalist society’s main goal. There is no real competition because this is mainly a monopolistic system. There is no real individualism either, because the decision-making power is in the hands of a small group, the so-called international financial community. This is the system of chrematistics and in it materialism is nurtured as the favored cultural norm. Shareholder-value, stock prices and gross domestic products are the accepted measures of so-called progress and general well-being. Inflation of land and stock-values are furthered while wages are held increasingly depressed. What could be the solution?